To be able to give the best attention at the right time to catch the most fertile moment of different farm animals to make the breeding more productive, we offer a complete technology. Keeping, feeding and healing supported by an integrated sensorial environment secure higher cost efficiency in the whole chain of production.
Animal housbandry has been a traditional farming unit for thousands of years. Our sensorial environment and cloud-based software combine traditions with the latest technology to increase breeding and raising of intensive commercial units of pig farms.
However other livestock units require different set-up of control to make sure that the required financial outcome is secured. Extensive sheep farming counts large amount of animals per herd, and cover huge areas. Intensinve poultry farms encounter again a new set of challenges. Our solution will be customized to the local needs of any branch of livestock breeding and raising.
Our research projects make ways to finding new solutions. All parties can benefit from the experience.
Our team has been chasing synergic development for over two decades to combine experience and innovation.
Our interdisciplinary approach secures quantum leap innovations for various stakeholders of economy.